Hawker Area School Community Library
Hi, I’m Ailsa Green and this is Rosie Luckraft and together we make up the library team for Hawker School Community Library. Also working alongside us is Steve Green,the IT technician for school. You will often see him helping out in the library.
We have a library blog called Caught Between the Covers.
Access Blog here - Caught Between the Covers
I use the phrase Caught Between the Covers because I believe reading is so important for all. I want to catch children reading, i.e., caught between the covers of a book. The following article gives reasons why reading is so important, not just for children, but for all of us.
Ailsa is the Teacher/Librarian and Rosie is the Community Library Assistant. Together, we manage the running of Hawker School Community Library. A school community library is a joint use library, meaning that it is open to both the public and the school (though this changes at times with the issues surrounding COVID!).
ALIA National Simultaneous Storytime 2022 WEDNESDAY MAY 25, Week 4 Term 2
Scholastic Book Fair will be held at Hawker Area School from 9-11th August 2022 - Week 3, Term 3 This date coincides with the school Open Night to be held on August 11. More information will come out closer to this date.
Student Attendance
Christmas Holidays Opening Times
Book Week 2021

AUTHOR Rosanne Hawke VISIT this Term 3, 2021

Change in Library Times as of 28/07/2021
CBCA Book Week 2020

Each year, schools and public libraries across Australia spend a week celebrating books, and Australian authors and illustrators. Teachers and librarians conduct activities relating to a theme to highlight the importance of reading.
Book Week Resources
Year 2020 -

April 1988 saw the school Library become available to the public when it was opened by the Premier John Bannon as the Hawker School Community Library. This facilitated making resources more available for the public, providing a more personal service and enabling students and public to access a wider choice of books and a variety of resources. All students are encouraged to borrow frequently from our community school library. Students are encouraged to participate in the Premier’s Reading Challenge and the National Simultaneous Story time each year.
Our Library is a School Community Library and is open to the community during and after school hours. The library contains a wide selection of children’s and adult’s non-fiction and fiction titles and we encourage parents to come to the library to choose books with their children and for themselves. Free public Internet is available. The public can access the Internet through the Library wireless connection. Our Library staff will happily assist.
The Library times as follows
Rosie Community Library Aide and Ailsa Teacher Librarian
Weird and Wonderful Wednesdays

National Simultaneous Storytime

BookWeek 2018

Wirreanda Terrace
Hawker SA 5434
Phone: 08 8648 4003
Fax: 08 8648 4149